Saturday, May 5, 2007

Violent video games blamed for Virginia Tech

I visited this website that talks about violent video games blamed for Virginia Tech. This website gives us information about video games that are not violent. Also, they said the Virginia Tech incident was not related to violent video games. The gunman did not play violent video games in his life. Also, this website told us the gunman was suffering from mental illness, and he was angry about his girlfriend. So, violent video games were not a problem to the gunman who did that.

In my opinion, I take issue with that because violent video games are an important factor to killing, hitting, or doing anything wrong. For example, when any child plays violent video games every day and one day s/he is angry from something, s/he will do whatever s/he plays or watches; maybe s/he will kill or do something wrong. Now, the violent video games are rampant in the world and these games will make many crimes. On the other hand I am on the same wavelength with this website for when someone kill or does something wrong, maybe s/he did not play violent video games. For example, the gunman did what he did in Virginia Tech, and he did not play violent video games in his life.


Aldossary, Faraj said...

HI, faisl
good job, you did well!

F A I S A L said...

Hi, Faraj

Thank you

Have a good day

steve said...

this game is dengerous to kids.
anyway your blog looks good!!

jasim said...

How are you
You did nice but the picture is scare if you can change it

F A I S A L said...

Steve and Jasim

Thank you for your comments

Have a nice day